A Means for Achieving a High Degree of Compaction on Scan-Digitized Printed TextR.N. AscherGeorge Nagy1974IEEE TC
The Computation of Window Operations on a Parallel Organized Computer—A Case StudyShi-Kuo Chang1973IEEE TC
Modeling of a Bubble-Memory Organization with Self-Checking Translators to Achieve High ReliabilityWillard G. BouriciusWilliam C. Carteret al.1973IEEE TC
Multiple Addition by Residue Threshold Functions and Their Representation by Array LogicTien Chi Chen1973IEEE TC
A Video Display System for Image Processing by ComputerNorman H. KreitzerWilliam J. Fitzgerald1973IEEE TC
The Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Obects from Two Orthogonal Projections and its Application to Cardiac CineangiographyShi-Kuo ChangC.K. Chow1973IEEE TC
Micromultiprocessing: An Approach to Multiprocessing at the Level of Very Small TasksJack L. RosenfeldRaymond D. Villani1973IEEE TC
The Parallel Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions Without DivisionRichard BrentDavid Kucket al.1973IEEE TC