Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of Cr+, Mn++, and Fe3+ in Cubic ZnSReuben S. Title1963Physical Review
Nonlinear microwave effects and the switching speed of superconducting tinA.H. NethercotR.J. Von Gutfeld1963Physical Review
Simplified approach to the ground-state energy of an imperfect bose gasElliott H. Lieb1963Physical Review
Anisotropy of the conductivity of n-type germanium at high electric fieldsMarshall I. Nathan1963Physical Review
Critical fields of thin superconducting films. II. Mean free path effects in indium-tin alloy filmsA.M. ToxenM.J. Burns1963Physical Review
Exact analysis of an interacting bose gas. II. the excitation spectrumElliott H. Lieb1963Physical Review