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35 results at
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing- Tetsuya Takiguchi
- Satoshi Nakamura
- et al.
- 2001
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
- 2000
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
- Stanley F. Chen
- Ronald Rosenfeld
- 2000
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
- 2000
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
- 1999
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
- Mark J. F. Gales
- Katherine M. Knill
- et al.
- 1999
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
- Mukund Padmanabhan
- Lalit R. Bahl
- et al.
- 1999
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
- Mukund Padmanabhan
- Laut R. Bahl
- et al.
- 1998
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
- Dimitry Rtischev
- David Nahamoo
- et al.
- 1994
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
- Jerome R. Bellegarda
- Peter V. De Souza
- et al.
- 1994
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing