Brent A Wacaser


Brent A Wacaser


Staff Research Scientist


IBM Research - Yorktown Heights Yorktown Heights, NY USA


I grew up in Cody. WY and obtained my B.S. and M.S. in Physics from Brigham Young University, Provo, UT in 2001 and 2002 respectively. I then earned a PhD in Physics and Nanotechnology from Lund University, Sweden in 2007. Also in 2007 I completed a six week graduate student sabbatical as a visiting scientist, on a EU transnational access grant at Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. In 2008 I joined IBM Research as a Post Doctoral researcher and in 2011 was hired full time as a Research staff member. At IBM I have worked on many projects including nanowire growth, nanowire applications for solar cells, concentrated solar photovoltaics, incorporating III-V semiconductor materials into CMOS technology, and quantum computing. While working on concentrated solar photovoltaics with IBM, I worked as an international assignee to King Abdullah City for Science and Technology (KACST), Saudi Arabia working as a mentor and liaison for a joint IBM / KACST project. Over the course of my career as a student, post-doc, and researcher I have contributed to over 40 papers in prestigious refereed journals. I am an inventor on over 50 patents. I have also participated in and helped organize scientific conferences as a contributing and invited speaker. My novel ideas, work, and contributions have improved understanding and opened doors to new applications in the fields of crystal growth, nanotechnology, PV and CPV research, III-V material incorporation in CMOS, and Quantum Computing.