Hiroshi Kanayama


Senior Technical Staff Member, Knowledge Infrastructure, AI Technologies, IBM Research - Tokyo
Hiroshi Kanayama


English / Japanese / Korean

Hiroshi Kanayama

Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM Research - Tokyo, IBM Japan, Ltd.


Dr. Hiroshi Kanayama is a Senior Technical Staff Member in the Knowledge Infrastructure Group in IBM Research – Tokyo. He joined IBM just after receiving a Master's Degree in 2000 and worked on natural language processing, mainly syntactic and semantic analysis. His research outcomes on syntactic parser, sentiment analysis and Korean pos tagger were integrated with software products, and they differentiated IBM's text mining solutions. In 2008 he joined the Watson project (Jeopardy! challenge) and provided lexical resources for type matching using information extraction techniques. In 2012 he received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo with his work on sentiment analysis.

Research Interests

Fundamental Technologies

  • Syntactic Analysis:
    Japanese dependency parser suitable for many applications, and multilingual syntactic analysis and its evaluation
  • Japanese Universal Dependencies Contributed to the community of Universal Dependencies
  • Semantic Processing:
    Extraction of 'applicable' semantic structures such as favorable/unfavorable features embedded in people's opinion and relationships for question answering


  • Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis
    In-depth detection of sentiments and demands, and automatic pattern induction
  • Machine Translation
  • Document Critiquing
  • Question Answering:
    Participated in the Watson (Jeopardy!) Grand Challenge


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