Relations Between Entity Sizes and Error-Correction Coding Codewords and Effective Data Loss
- 2024
- International Journal On Advances In Networks And Services
Ilias Iliadis holds a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, an M.S. degree from Columbia University, New York, as a Fulbright Scholar, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, also from Columbia University. He has been with the IBM Research - Zurich Laboratory since 1988. His research interests include performance evaluation, optimization and control of computer communication networks, reliability of storage systems, storage provisioning for Big Data, cloud infrastructures, switch architectures, and stochastic systems. He has published some 100 papers in these fields, including in top peer-reviewed journals and conferences. He holds several patents.
Dr. Iliadis is a senior member of IEEE, a member of IFIP Working Group 6.3, Sigma Xi, and of the Technical Chamber of Greece. He has received IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Awards for his work on the performance evaluation of IBM's PRIZMA switch, the DOME project, and for Research Contributions to LTO8 Tape Drives. He has served as a Technical Program Co-Chair for the IFIP Networking 2004 Conference and on the Technical Program Committees of several international conferences. He was a co-recipient of Best Paper Award at the IEEE MASCOTS 2011, MASCOTS 2021, and IARIA CTRQ 2017 Conferences and a recipient of IARIA Best Paper Award at the CTRQ 2018, CTRQ 2019, CTRQ 2021, and CTRQ 2022 Conferences.