Jonathan Lenchner


Foundations of Computer Science
Jonathan Lenchner


I am a researcher in the Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science department of IBM Research and work out of the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York. My current work focuses on exploring the connection between how hard it is to describe algorithmic problems and how hard it is to solve them. We explore this connection by analyzing different sorts of combinatorial games. I am also working on the connection between information theory and mathematical logic, and the potential use of AI to help resolve open problems in physics.

I am a big proponent of what has come to be known as the “growth mindset” (a notion coined by the behavioral psychologist Carol Dweck). Key to this idea are the notions of life-long learning and the continual reinvention of the self. I host an IBM podcast series 'On Not Knowing', that explores different facets of this idea with a variety of guests.

From May 2016 through November of 2018 I was the chief scientist of IBM Research Africa and was based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Prior to my time in Africa I was one of the principal investigators at the Cognitive Environments Lab, or CEL, at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (my current location). At that lab we worked on bringing immersive computing technologies to social environments. A special interest of mine was (and still is) creating technology that helps us engage with each other and with the world in a more meaningful way. Most of our technology today seems to do the opposite. During this time I got to work with the Toronto Raptors of the National Basketball Association. We built them a system to help with trades and draft picks that was showcased at the 2016 NBA All Star game and utilized in the lead-up to the Raptors world championship season of 2019.

Prior to my work on cognitive environments I worked on a mobile robot for autonomously mapping, monitoring and managing the energy and thermal properties of a computer data center. I also worked on the strategy component of the IBM Joepardy-playing program known as Watson.

I founded and play saxophone in the IBM Yorktown jazz band, Algorhythms and Blues.

I have created two fun-to-play mathematical games. You can purchase physcial copies or play for free online at and




  • neurosymbolic-AI.jpeg

    Developing a general knowledge representation framework to facilitate effective reasoning over multiple sources of imprecise knowledge.

Top collaborators

Jeff Kephart

Jeff Kephart

Distinguished Research Staff Member, Symbiotic Cognitive Computing