Conference paper

A position-sensitive, single-photon detector with enhanced NIR response


In this paper, we evaluate a novel, position-sensitive, single-photon detector with enhanced Near InfraRed (NIR) sensitivity [1-3] for taking 2D Time Resolved Emission (TRE), also known as Picosecond Imaging for Circuit Analysis (PICA), in future low voltage SOI technologies. In particular, we will investigate and quantify the sensitivity of two generations (Gen. I and Gen. II) of PICA cameras by Hamamatsu Photonics as a function of the power supply voltage on an IBM 45 nm SOI test chip. Additionally, we will compare the results to the performance obtained with an InGaAs Single Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) from DCG Systems [4]. Finally we will show a case study and an advanced analysis and localization technique that takes advantage of the 2D capability of the camera. Copyright © 2011 ASM International®. All rights reserved.
