
A true single-phase 8-bit adiabatic multiplier


This paper presents the design and evaluation of an 8-bit adiabatic multiplier. Both the multiplier core and its built-in self-test logic have been designed using a true single-phase adiabatic logic family. Energy is supplied to the adiabatic circuitry via a sinusoidal power-clock waveform that is generated on-chip. In HSPICE simulations with post-layout extracted parasitics, our design functions correctly at clock frequencies exceeding 200 MHz. The total dissipation of the multiplier core and self-test circuitry approaches 130pJ per operation at 200MHz. Our 11,854-transistor chip has been fabricated in a 0.5μm standard CMOS process with an active area of 0.470mm2. Correct chip operation has been validated for operating frequencies up to 130MHz, the limit of our experimental setup. Measured dissipation correlates well with HSPICE simulations.
