
Analysis of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Patterns of Perovskite-Like PrNiO3


X-ray powder diffraction patterns of orthorhombic-and rhombohedral-distorted perovskite PrNiO3 obtained at room temperature, 200°, 400°, 500°, and 600°C were analyzed and evaluated. An examination of the diffraction profiles shows essentially no line broadening indicating that the PrNiOs powders synthesized by solid state reaction are well-crystallized and probably strain-free. The reliability and accuracy of the patterns were evaluated, and the figures-of-merit were in triple digits for the 500° and 600°C patterns of the rhombohedral phase and double digits for the more complex orthorhombic diffraction patterns recorded at room-temperature, 200°, and 400°C. Values of lattice parameters refined from the observed diffraction peak positions agree with those obtained from the Rietveld whole-pattern fitting analysis to within 1–2 × 10−4. © 1991, Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved.
