Conference paper

Defeating tradeoffs for nonlinear optical chromophores


Materials to be used for optoelectronic, photorefractive, or frequency doubling applications must have high nonlinearities, good thermal stabilities, and low optical loss (high transparency). Organic compounds synthesized for incorporation into poled nonlinear polymers typically exhibit tradeoffs between nonlinearity and each of the other two qualities. By judicious use of arylamino donor groups and cyano-containing acceptor groups, a small set of chromophores that are both highly nonlinear and stable at high temperatures has been prepared. By selecting delocalized bridging moieties that are either tuned for optimum hyperpolarizability or exhibit two charge-transfer excited states, highly transparent chromopohores with excellent nonlinearities can be prepared. The results suggest that thermal stability and nonlinearity are jointly achieved by modifying donor and acceptor groups, while transparency and nonlinearity are jointly achieved by modifying bridging groups.
