Conference paper

DTCO Guided Process Integration: Case Studies From FEOL & BEOL with BSPDN


We present two case studies where Design Technology Co-Optimization (DTCO) methodology can aid in down-selection of integration options unique to back side power distribution network (BSPDN) implementation. In the FEOL, cointegration of Front to Back Via (FBV) with gate-cut (CT) integration schemes need to balance performance and area scaling tradeoffs. Design considerations for FBV for both CT first and CT last schemes are discussed with process variation estimations and self-alignment schemes. In BEOL, opportunistic aspect ratio optimization of frontside metal interconnect stacks capability to offer greater heat dissipation capability without adversely impacting performance is discussed. A design point with a line/space/stack height combination of BEOL metal stack to optimize RC delay is proposed alongside a thermal resistance circuit modeling methodology to assess heat dissipation is also reviewed.
