
Evolution of strain energy during recrystallization of plated Cu films


The microstructural evolution within plated Cu films has been investigated using high-resolution x-ray diffraction, revealing a change in strain state within the recrystallized grains and the surrounding matrix with time. By approximating the case of an isolated grain in a randomly textured material as an Eshelby inclusion in an elastically isotropic matrix, we can determine the elastic strain energy in addition to the interaction strains that develop within the grain due to the effects of elastic anisotropy. The elastic strain energy density generated by a grain possessing cubic symmetry with arbitrary orientation within an elastically isotropic matrix has been compared to that within a fiber-textured film, revealing that the former case possesses less strain energy. These results suggest that the recrystallization of Cu (111) grains from an electroplated film with a small, initial grain size is less energetically favorable for films exhibiting strong (111) texture than for a randomly textured film. Experimental results indicate a sequence that emerges during the recrystallization process: (111) grains grow first, suggesting that the decrease in surface energy provided by the (111) surfaces is larger than the increase in elastic strain energy created by (111) grains. For sufficiently thick films, (100) grains emerge, lowering the strain energy density in the film, after (111) grain growth has saturated because no further decrease in energy is supplied by (111) surface growth. By examining plated Cu films of different thicknesses, we correlate the appearance of recrystallized (100) grains with a threshold energy density based on the additional energy associated with (100) surfaces relative to (111) surfaces. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
