Growth and electrochemical oxidation of MBE-grown c-axis La2CuO4 thin films on different substrates
The growth and subsequent electrochemical oxygen intercalation of c-axis La2CuO4+δ thin films on substrates with different lattice mismatch [SrTiO3 (001) (+3.03%), NdGaO3 (001) (+1.90%), LaAIO3 (001) (-0.05%) and SrLaAIO4 (001) (-0.95%) substrates] are compared. The films grown on the different substrates can all be oxidized electrochemically, but their structural and transport properties differ vastly. The results can roughly be divided into two categories, i.e., those of films grown with a compressive or a tensile lattice mismatch where the former have a larger c-axis lattice parameter and better transport properties.