
Pressure dependence of barrier heights in GeSingle Bond signGaAs n - N heterojunctions


The pressure dependence of barrier heights in GeSingle Bond signGaAs n - n heterojunctions has been determined, for hydrostatic pressures up to 28 kbar, by means of electrical measurements. The results, expressed in terms of the pressure coefficient of the conduction-band discontinuity ΔEc, are d(ΔEc)/dP = (6.7±1.0) meV/kbar for junctions having both (100) and (110) orientations. This result is seen to be in approximate agreement with predictions based upon considerations of bulk band energies only. It is concluded that the pressure dependence of any dipole-layer contribution to ΔEc can be ignored. The results for d(ΔE c)/dP can then be used to obtain a value of - (6.8±1.0) eV for the dilatational deformation potential for the conduction band of GaAs. © 1968 The American Institute of Physics.
