
Pure d(x2- y2) order-parameter symmetry in the tetragonal superconductor Tl2Ba2CuO(6+δ)


Crucial to the successful development of a theoretical model for high- temperature superconductivity is knowledge of the symmetry of the order parameter (or wave function) that describes the pairing of electrons in the superconducting state. Several experimental studies provide convincing evidence for an anisotropic order parameter, consistent with a d((x)'2- (y)''2) symmetry. But none of these earlier experiments could rule out unambiguously an additional contribution from isotropic s-wave pairing; these experiments either involved superconductors with an orthorhombic crystal structure (for which a mixed s + d state is becoming increasingly recognized as a likely consequence), or their interpretation required detailed modelling of the uncertain effects of disorder and defects. Here we report the results of an experiment designed to circumvent these difficulties: the material studied is the single-layer tetragonal superconductor Tl2Ba2CuO(6+δ), and the experimental configuration is such that the interpretation of the results relies solely on symmetry considerations. Our results indicate that this material has pure d(x2-y2) pairing symmetry, so providing a starting point for understanding the more complex mixed s + d state that appears to characterize other high-temperature superconductors.
