Spectral hole-burning study of magnetic and hyperfine interactions in SrF2:Pr3+:D- and CaF2:Pr3+:D-
In SrF2+ and CaF2+ single crystals into which hydrogenic ions such as D- have been diffused, persistent spectral hole burning occurs due to motion of neighbor hydrogenic ions following resonant excitation of Pr3+. We have used both this hole burning and optically detected magnetic resonance, as high-resolution probes of the magnetic and hyperfine structure of the ground state of several sites containing different configurations of hydrogenic ions. For these sites the pseudoquadrupole splittings range from 25 633 MHz and the nuclear-moment enhancement factors from 9 350 times that of the bare nuclear moment of Pr3+. The observations are well described by a Hamiltonian including Zeeman and hyperfine interactions within the lowest two electronic levels. © 1993 The American Physical Society.