Spin-relaxation processes in ZnSe-based spin superlattices: A photoluminescence study
We have studied the spin-relaxation process in spin superlattice structures, both at zero field (no confining potential) and as a function of applied field (variable confining potential). Evidence of an unexpectedly long hole spin-relaxation time associated with the strain splitting of the valence band has been found. In addition, excitonic spin-relaxation times which are unaffected by the strength of the spin-dependent confining potential were observed. We demonstrate that for excitons, spin flip via the magnetic ion-carrier exchange interaction is not the dominant spin-relaxation mechanism, although it may play a more important role in the case of energetic hot carriers. © 1992 The American Physical Society.
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Human-in-the-loop for a Disconnection Aware Retrosynthesis
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