
Texture of CoSi2 films on Si(111), (110) and (001) substrates


Synchrotron radiation was used to study the texture of polycrystalline CoSi2 films that were formed by a solid-state reaction between a 30 nm Co film and Si(111), (110) and (001) substrates. All films were strongly textured, and several texture components were identified. We discuss the simultaneous occurrence of axiotaxy (i.e. alignment of lattice planes across the interface) and several different types of epitaxy in each of the films. Comparison of the different texture components observed on the three substrate orientations suggests a strong preference for the alignment of CoSi 2{110} planes in the film with Si{110} planes in the substrate, and twinning around Si[111] directions. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
