
The role of lattice mismatch and kinetics in texture development: Co 1-xNixSi2 thin films on Si(100)


Mixed Co1-x Nix Si2 films (0x1) were grown by solid phase reaction of homogeneous Co1-x Nix metal films, codeposited on Si(100). The texture of these films was contemplated using complementary experimental techniques: Rutherford backscattering and channeling spectrometry, x-ray pole figure measurements, and orientation imaging with electron backscattering diffraction. Based on the increasing Co1-x Nix Si2 lattice parameter with increasing Ni concentration, a gradual, continuous improvement of the epitaxial quality of the film would be expected. The observed trend is significantly different. The epitaxial quality of the disilicide film indeed improves with increasing Ni concentration, but only up to 15% Ni. Moreover, the increasing epitaxial quality is due to a large volume fraction of (110)-oriented grains, instead of the anticipated (100) orientation. The most abundant texture component is not necessarily the one with the best in-plane match with the substrate, i.e., epitaxy, nor the one which assures the continuity of crystallographic planes across the plane of the interface, i.e., axiotaxy. Clearly, geometrical arguments alone cannot account for the observed large size and high volume fraction of (110)-oriented grains. On the other hand, we demonstrate that growth kinetics plays an important role in texture development and epitaxial growth during the solid phase reaction. Above 15% Ni, the epitaxial quality rapidly decreases and a polycrystalline film is formed for 40% Ni. This decrease is explained by a gradual shift of the disilicide nucleation site from the interface with the substrate to the surface of the thin film. For high Ni concentrations, i.e., 50% Ni, the (100) orientation dominates the thin-film texture, due to the growth of a NiSi2 -rich film at the substrate interface. The changing nucleation site, due to this phase separation, and the differing growth kinetics can significantly alter the texture of ternary films. These two factors should be taken into consideration when implementing ternary alloys in devices, since their physical properties, stability, roughness, resistance, etc., depend critically on the texture of the films. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
