Vibrational spectrum of hydrogenated amorphous SiC films
Infrared absorption spectra are presented of amorphous Si1−xCx films made by the glow discharge process. Four bands, representing the stretching modes of SiH, CH, and SiC, and the wagging mode of SiCH3, were followed over the entire alloy composition range. It is shown that the compositional dependence of these bands varies in a manner predicted by a model in which Si and C atoms are randomly distributed throughout the film without chemical ordering. The bonded hydrogen content in the films is estimated to be of the order of 20 to 30 at%, depending on composition, with the silicon atoms bonding to a single hydrogen and the carbons bonding predominantly as CH2 and CH3 groups. Copyright © 1979 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA