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55 results for
J.G. Gordon II- Mahesh G. Samant
- Gary L. Borges
- et al.
- 2002
- Michael F. Toney
- Jason N. Howard
- et al.
- 1995
- Physical Review Letters
- Michael F. Toney
- Jason N. Howard
- et al.
- 1994
- Nature
- M. Toney
- J.G. Gordon
- et al.
- 1991
- SPIE San Diego 1991
- K.K. Kanazawa
- Owen R. Melroy
- et al.
- 1983
- ECS Meeting 1983
- K. Kunimatsu
- H. Seki
- et al.
- 1983
- ECS Meeting 1983
- R.E. Kunz
- J.G. Gordon II
- et al.
- 1982
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- 1989
- Proceedings of SPIE 1989
- Wolfgang Kautek
- Joseph G. Gordon
- 2019
- I. Pockrand
- J.D. Swalen
- et al.
- 2008
- The Journal of Chemical Physics