Structural and electronic properties of a surface alloy of Pd and Cu on Cu{001}S.H. LuZ.Q. Wanget al.1988Physical Review B
Epitaxial ordered-alloy formation through surface reactions: Al on Ni{0 0 1}S.H. LuD. Tianet al.1988Solid State Communications
Epitaxial growth of a metastable modification of copper with body-centered-cubic structureZ.Q. WangS.H. Luet al.1987Physical Review B
Atomic and electronic structure of a surface alloy - comparison with the bulk alloyZ.Q. WangY.S. Liet al.1987Solid State Communications
Epitaxial growth of body-centered-cubic nickel on ironZ.Q. WangY.S. Liet al.1987Solid State Communications
Structural reactions of Si{111} with cobalt and formation of cobalt disilicideS.C. WuZ.Q. Wanget al.1986Physical Review B
Epitaxial growth and surface structure of NiSi2{0 0 1} on Si{0 0 1}S.C. WuZ.Q. Wanget al.1986Solid State Communications