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- 1994
- Solid State Electronics
- Luis G. Reyna
- Michael J. Ward
- 1994
- European Journal of Applied Mathematics
- William D. Henshaw
- Heinz-Otto Kreiss
- et al.
- 1994
- Computers and Fluids
- 1993
- Computers and Mathematics with Applications
- Luis G. Reyna
- Michael J. Ward
- 1992
- IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications)
- Pablo Dmitruk
- Andrés Saúl
- et al.
- 1992
- Applied Mathematics Letters
- Claude Greengard
- Luis G. Reyna
- 1992
- Physics of Fluids A
- W.D. Henshaw
- L. Reyna
- et al.
- 1991
- Journal of Tribology
- W.D. Henshaw
- H.O. Kreiss
- et al.
- 1990
- Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
- W.D. Henshaw
- H.O. Kreiss
- et al.
- 1989
- Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics