Graph Feature Preprocessor: Real-time Subgraph-based Feature Extraction for Financial Crime DetectionJovan BlanusaMaximo Craveroet al.2024ICAIF 2024
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Catch it if you can: Real-time network anomaly detection with low false alarm ratesGeorgios KathareiosAndreea Anghelet al.2017ICMLA 2017
Predicting Cloud Performance for HPC Applications: A User-Oriented ApproachGiovanni MarianiAndreea Anghelet al.2017CCGrid 2017
Analytic processor model for fast design-space explorationRik JongeriusGiovanni Marianiet al.2015ICCD 2015
An instrumentation approach for hardware-agnostic software characterizationAndreea AnghelLaura Mihaela Vasilescuet al.2015CF 2015
The importance and characteristics of communication in high performance data analyticsAndreea AnghelGerman Rodriguezet al.2014IISWC 2014