Statistical measurement of random telegraph noise and its impact in scaled-down high-κ/metal-gate MOSFETsH. MikiN. Tegaet al.2012IEDM 2012
Evaluation methodology for random telegraph noise effects in SRAM arraysM. YamaokaHiroshi Mikiet al.2011IEDM 2011
Hysteretic drain-current behavior due to random telegraph noise in scaled-down FETs with high-κ/metal-gate stacksHiroshi MikiNaoki Tegaet al.2010IEDM 2010
Reduction of random telegraph noise in high-κ / metal-gate stacks for 22 nm generation FETsN. TegaH. Mikiet al.2009IEDM 2009
Voltage and temperature dependence of random telegraph noise in highly scaled HKMG ETSOI nFETs and its impact on logic delay uncertaintyH. MikiM. Yamaokaet al.2012VLSI Technology 2012
Understanding short-term BTI behavior through comprehensive observation of gate-voltage dependence of RTN in highly scaled high-κ / metal-gate pFETsHiroshi MikiM. Yamaokaet al.2011VLSI Technology 2011
Increasing threshold voltage variation due to random telegraph noise in FETs as gate lengths scale to 20 nmN. TegaH. Mikiet al.2009VLSI Technology 2009