Eric Zhang


Research Staff Member
Eric Zhang


Eric Zhang is a Research Staff Member at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. His work involves the development of miniaturized chip-scale sensors for environmental and health applications, and deployment of large-area sensor networks for source attribution and fugitive emissions monitoring. His additional research interests include systems development for experimental quantum computing.

Prior to joining IBM Research, Eric received his Ph.D. from Princeton University, where he specialized in optical spectroscopy for trace-gas detection, with particular emphasis on mid-infrared polarization spectroscopy for detection of paramagnetic molecules. Eric received his B.A.Sc. in Engineering Physics from the University of Toronto.

In addition to his technical role at IBM Research, Eric Zhang is an OSA (Optical Society of America) Ambassador, providing technical and career guidance to young professionals in the photonics field.

Below are links to Eric's resume/CV:

Resume | Curriculum Vitae



Top collaborators

David McKay

David McKay

Manager, Principal Research Staff Member - Experimental Quantum Computing