Conference paper

Characterization of DI water/O3 oxidation of Si (100) and Si (111) surfaces by OCP measurements


In this paper we present results from a study where we applied the OCP (Open Circuit Potential) technique to investigate the oxidation kinetics of Si(100) and Si(111) surfaces in DI/O3 as a function of the ozone concentration. With this fast real time and in-situ measurement method we confirm findings from earlier studies, where a faster initial oxidation rate of Si(111) compared to (100) has been observed in the gas-phase and also the relationship between final tchemox (thickness of the chemical oxide) and the dissolved O3 concentration. Through the visualization of the two-step HF etching process of silicon oxide on Si by EDP-OCP (Electrochemical Depth Profiling-OCP) we illuminate the slower H-passivation kinetics for Si(111) and the impact of the dissolved O3 concentration on the surface roughness of Si (100).
