Conference paper
High Performance Quantum Well InGaAs-On-Si MOSFETs with sub-20 nm Gate Length for RF Applications
We demonstrate RF-compatible quantum well InGaAs MOSFETs integrated on Si substrates, with L G down to 14 nm and a Si CMOS compatible RMG fabrication flow. Devices exhibit simultaneously extrapolated f t and f of 370 and 310 GHz, respectively, the highest reported combined f t/f for III-V MOSFETs on Si. This is enabled by the scaled L G, gm of 1.75mS μn, 8 nm source and drain spacers and raised source and drain extensions maintaining low access resistance. The use of the InP/In 0.75 Ga 0.25 As/InP quantum well offers three times higher electron mobility and a 60% increase of gm, compared to reference devices.