Conference paper

Plasma etch patterning of EUV lithography: Balancing roughness and selectivity trade off


EUV based patterning is one of the frontrunner candidates enabling scaling for future technology nodes. However it poses the common challenges of A€pattern roughness' and a€etch resistance' aspect which are getting even more critical as we work on smaller dimension features. Continuous efforts are ongoing to improve resist materials and lithography process but the industry is slowly moving to introduce it at high volume manufacturing. Plasma Etch processes have the potential to improvise upon the incoming pattern roughness and provide improved LER/LWR downstream to expedite EUV progress. In this work we demonstrate the specific role of passivation control in the dualfrequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma (CCP) for EUV patterning process with regards to improving LER/LWR, resist selectivity and CD tunability for line/space patterns. We draw the implicit commonalities between different passivation chemistry and their effectiveness for roughness improvement. The effect of relative C and C ratio in feed gas on CFx and CHx plasma species and in turn the evolution of pattern roughness is drawn. Data that shows the role of plasma etch parameters impacting the key patterning metrics of CD, resist selectivity and LER/LWR is presented.
