Blanket SMT with in situ N2 plasma treatment on the lang;100〉 wafer for the low-cost low-power technology applicationJun YuanVictor Chanet al.2009IEEE Electron Device Letters
Performance elements for 28nm gate length bulk devices with gate first high-k metal gateJun YuanC. Gruensfelderet al.2010ICSICT 2010
SMT and enhanced SPT with Recessed SD to improve CMOS Device PerformanceS. FangS.S. Tanet al.2008ICSICT 2008
A 45nm low power bulk technology featuring carbon co-implantation and laser anneal on 45°-rotated substrateJ. YuanV. Chanet al.2008ICSICT 2008
High performance transistors featured in an aggressively scaled 45nm bulk CMOS technologyZ. LuoN. Rovedoet al.2007VLSI Technology 2007
Characterization and analysis of gate-induced-drain-leakage current in 45 nm CMOS technologyXiaobin YuanJae-Eun Parket al.2007IIRW 2007
A 45nm low cost low power platform by using integrated dual-stress-liner technologyJ. YuanS.S. Tanet al.2006VLSI Technology 2006
Stress proximity technique for performance improvement with dual stress liner at 45nm technology and beyondX. ChenS. Fanget al.2006VLSI Technology 2006