
Arsenic cluster dynamics in doped GaAs


We have studied the formation of As precipitates in doped GaAs structures that were grown by molecular beam epitaxy at low substrate temperatures and subsequently annealed. We find that the As precipitates form preferentially on the n side of such fabricated GaAs pn junctions. As the coarsening process proceeds, there is a gradual increase in the amount of As in precipitates in the n-GaAs region and a decrease in the p-GaAs region; the depletion region between the pn junction becomes free of As precipitates. These observations can be understood qualitatively based on the charge states of the As interstitial and using thermodynamic arguments in which the crystal attempts to minimize the chemical potential during the anneal. The presence of the excess As results in a stable Be profile even to anneals of 950°C. Finally, a temperature cycling technique to grow arbitrarily thick GaAs epilayers containing As precipitates was demonstrated.
