
Evolution of a 193 nm bilayer resist for manufacturing


As 193 nm resist moves into production with minimum feature sizes approaching 100 nm, bilayer resist is being evaluated more closely for certain applications. Our polymer design has been evolving to meet tighter outgassing requirements. Optical density, etch resistance and dissolution behavior are other considerations. The protecting group used in our 248 nm bilayer is not useful for 193 nm lithography because of the high optical density contribution from Si-Si linkage. Silicon was incorporated into a COMA platform for the first generation polymer. Maleic anhydride is used to modulate dissolution characteristics. The first generation 193 nm bilayer was optimized to print 120 nm L/S patterns with an attenuated PSM on a 0.6 NA Nikon S302. We will describe next generation platforms that address silicon outgassing concern. The lithographic performance of these resists was evaluated on a 0.6 NA Nikon S302 with a dark field mask. Results for 280 nm pitch (1:1 L/S) and 245 nm pitch (105 nm L, 140 nm S) lithography are presented. Also shown is result for a 245 nm pitch (1:1 L/S) and 210 nm pitch (1:1 L/S) on a 0.75 NA ASML PAS 5500/1100. Outgassing data generated at MIT Lincoln Laboratory will be discussed. © 2002 SPIE · 0277-786X/02/$15.00.
