Conference paper
In situ TEM analysis of TiSi2 C49-C54 transformations during annealing
The C49-C54 phase transitions of TiSi2 blanket films, 0.2 μm wide lines on undoped poly-Si and 0.13 μm wide and 10 μm long lines on B- or As-doped poly-Si were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The analysis showed that films on undoped poly-Si transformed at 830 °C. Agglomeration started for blanket film and 0.2 μm wide lines at temperatures above 900 °C. For 0.13 μm wide and 10 μm long C49-TiSi2 lines on B-doped poly-Si, a distinct transition was not observed. Instead the lines agglomerated and electron diffraction of the films showed the film had transformed to C59-TiSi2. For films on As-doped poly-Si, an indistinct transition to the C54 phase along with agglomeration was observed.